U Penglam and the Priest

U Penglam was so upset because of his past deeds. He decided to attend Sacrament and confess his sins.

He nervously walked to the confession area and mumbled to the priest.
"Priest, I'm sinful." Said U Penglam.

"Don't worry son. Just tell me what you have done and the Lord will forgive you." Replies the priest.
" l have a girlfriend but nothing serious ever happened between us. Last night, I visited her home, there was nobody except for her sister. We were alone and I slept with her." U Penglam confessed.

"That's bad son, but fortunately you realize your mistakes so the Lord can forgive you." The priest said.

"Last week, I went to my girlfriend's neighbor home to look for her, but nobody was there except for a girl named Lia Neino, so I slept with her."

"That's serious, boy," said the priest "but the Lord can still forgive you."

"Then, Priest, several days ago, I went to her uncle's home to look for her, but nobody was there except for her Auntie, and I slept with her too."

U Penglam suddenly realized that there was no response from the priest. He looked around and known that the priest was not there. He began searching.

"Priest... Priest... Where are you?"

He searched everywhere. Finally found him hiding under the table.

"Priest, why are you hiding here?"

U Penglam asked.

"Sorry son. Suddenly I noticed that there is nobody here except me."

Then, U Penglam said: "Don't be so sorry priest, I will not sleep with you."


Lessons (moral of the story):
"Repeat confessions on repeated immorality sins can result to be away from God."

Hiding under the table (istock image)


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